The 6th international Conference on Dayalbagh (Art) Science (& Engineering) of
(Evolutionary/Re-Evolutionary) Consciousness (DSC)
The 47th (Inter) National Systems Conference (NSC)

Systems for Sustainable Development in Quintessential Harmony with Environment
September 23-25, 2024

“I would in fact say, see, hear, sense, feel, perceive, such that reality in the real meaning would be open […] as full consciousness.”
(Revered Professor Prem Saran Satsangi, 2016)

Revered Prof. Prem Saran Satsangi

Chairman, Advisory Committee on Education Dayalbagh Educational Institute (Deemed to be University), Agra, IN

Revered Prof. Prem Saran Satsangi, the father of systems movement in India, having graduated with a B.Sc. in Electrical Engineering from the Banaras Hindu University (presently Indian Institute of Technology, Banaras), pursued M.S from the Department of Electrical Engineering, the Michigan State University, USA. Prof. Satsangi earned his Ph.D. in the field of Socio-economic system from the University of Waterloo, Canada. Rev. Prof. Satsangi took voluntary retirement from the Indian Institute of Technology, Delhi to serve as the honorary Director (CEO), Dayalbagh Educational Institute (a deemed university).

Prof.  Satsangi has generalized the application of physical systems theory in his systemic research from “real” physical systems to a variety of “conceptual” socioeconomic-environmental systems. He has succeeded in extending physical systems theory as a rudimentary modelling framework for complete “creational” system, including not only physical processes, but also “esoteric” mental and spiritual processes.

On May 18, 2003  a gathering in Dayalbagh of about 25,000 representatives of the approximately half a million members (followers) of Radhasoami Faith (“Radhasoami Satsang” Dayalbagh) from all over India and abroad, proclaimed Prof.Prem Saran Satsangi unanimously as their leader for lifetime to lead the Radhasoami Satsang Community.

Prof. Prem Saran Satsangi, the eighth spiritual leader of the Radhasoami Faith, Dayalbagh, is the Chairman of the Advisory Committee on Education (ACE), Dayalbagh Educational Institute.

About Dayalbagh

Dayalbagh – Translated in English as ‘The Garden of the Merciful’, is a community of spiritual seekers who have been living together in harmony with the infinite varieties of nature since 1915. The socio-spiritual model of this community is anchored in the principles of voluntary, selfless service for the upliftment and well-being of all living beings on this planet earth. Dayalbagh is the modern-day agrarian community, practising organic agroecology since 1942, meeting its food demand through community farming and dairying. The community’s conscientious efforts to co-exist with nature, while nurturing it, have been scaled-up globally through its 17 regional centres (11 national, 4 international and 2 alumni associations). The members of the community conscientiously practice the principle of ‘Vasudaiva Kutumbakam’ for better worldliness and the realisation of Ultimate Reality.


This winter session of the DSC-2024 will highlight the initiatives taken by the regions and their impact in transforming the lives of the people in the neighborhood towards better worldliness through a pre-conference on the evening of December 31, 2023.  On the 1st of January 2024, the conference will conclude with a panel discussion as a hybrid townhall event with the participation of experts and the members of the community on the following broad theme:

“Community Conscientiousness for lateral and longitudinal mobility (transportation) for the realization of Ultimate Consciousness”

The organizing committee of the DSC-2024  invites contributions from the 15 regions of RSS Sabha (only one contribution per region), Dayalbagh and the two alumni associations in the form of a manuscript and a short 3-minute video pitch, highlighting the activities’ impact and outcome by the 15th of December 2023.  Compilation of the activities carried out by various regions on the Dayalbagh Model will be the one-of-a-kind document on the scalable community model for sustainable living in practice for 108 years with the largest number of contributors.

About The Conference

The 6th International Dayalbagh (Art) Science (& Engineering) of (Evolutionary/Re-Evolutionary) Consciousness (DSC) and the 47th (Inter) National Systems Conference (NSC) will take place jointly from September 23-25, 2024, in hybrid mode.

DSC 2023 is organised by a consortium of seven universities, namely the Dayalbagh Educational Institute, Deemed to be University (DEI) in India, Kiel University (CAU) in Germany, the University of Birmingham, UK, the University of Waterloo in Canada, Western University in Ontario, Canada, the University of British Columbia in Vancouver, Canada, and the Arizona State University, USA.

The NSC is organised by Dayalbagh Educational Institute, Deemed to be University (DEI) (Dayalbagh, Agra, India) in collaboration with the Systems Society of India (SSI).

Both conferences have Revered Professor Prem Saran Satsangi Sahab as the Chief Patron. He is the Chairman, Advisory Committee on Education, Dayalbagh Educational Institutions, a non-statutory body constituted to serve as a think-tank to suggest, inter-alia, necessary steps for achieving the highest levels of educational standards. Both conferences appear in a new format, merging in some select joint sessions, but also with conference specific sessions in keeping with the different scientific profiles of both conferences. 

The DSC 2024 embraces Arts and Engineering. While the Natural Sciences systematise the material aspects of our universe with empirical methodology according to quantifying and causal tenets of rationality, the constitutive dimensions of consciousness manifest in the arts – like intuition, emotions, sensual perception and expression of sound and music, colour and painting, sculpture, poetry, theater and drama -, are analysed with the hermeneutic or qualitative methodologies of the humanities. Engineering in the context of this conference designs and builds instruments, structures and systems to understand and model aspects of consciousness for practical purposes in order to enable individual humans and society to progress to higher levels of consciousness.